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Use PRINT function of your browser" width="32" height="32" border="0" align="right"> <h2>THEY BEAT OUR PEOPLE!</h2> <h5>The article by&nbsp;Elena Tribuleva,<br> Published in&nbsp;&laquo;Vecherniy Brest&raquo; (The Evening Brest) Newspaper, #34,<br>April&nbsp;25,&nbsp;2003 </h5> <h3>Are &laquo;talibans&raquo; of&nbsp;the Belovezhskaya Pushcha now joining the battle?</h3> <p>Fighting broke out at&nbsp;the Kamenyuki village local club on&nbsp;Saturday night. One of&nbsp;the locals &laquo;tapped&raquo; a&nbsp;visitant who works in&nbsp;the Pushcha on&nbsp;temporary terms. The worker responded, and soon more people joined the fight. After it&nbsp;was clear that the odds were in&nbsp;the favour of&nbsp;the locals, two visitant workers rushed into their hotel where they took out knifes to&nbsp;rescue another <nobr>co-worker</nobr>&nbsp;who had been suffering from locals´ heavy kicks. As&nbsp;a&nbsp;result, three locals were stabbed and delivered to&nbsp;the regional hospital. According to&nbsp;inhabitants of&nbsp;Kamenyuki, two of&nbsp;the men were not involved in&nbsp;the fight at&nbsp;all. One of&nbsp;the men is&nbsp;seriously injured as&nbsp;he&nbsp;has been hit in&nbsp;the lung. Investigation is&nbsp;being carried&nbsp;out. </p><p>The event could seem an&nbsp;ordinary fight among young people, least one knows about hidden hatred of&nbsp;the local population towards the &laquo;aliens&raquo;. The inhabitants of&nbsp;the village even call them &laquo;talibans&raquo;. First of&nbsp;all because they took jobs from the locals at&nbsp;the State National Park &laquo;Belovezhskaya Pushcha&raquo;. Nickolai Bambiza, the Director of&nbsp;the Park since spring 2000, has failed to&nbsp;get along with the locals: about three hundred employees were dismissed, and many of&nbsp;them could not find another job. Then, Nickolai Bambiza resolved the problem of&nbsp;vacancies by&nbsp;inviting people from other regions to&nbsp;work in&nbsp;the Pushcha on&nbsp;temporary basis. Currently more than 100 people from Stolinskiy district, Mogilyov and Gomel regions are employed in&nbsp;the Pushcha on&nbsp;such terms. The rumour spreads among the locals that Nickolai Bambiza has been paying the invited workers more generously than he&nbsp;would ever do&nbsp;the native Pushcha s&nbsp;inhabitants. However, the villagers are convinced that the &laquo;talibans&raquo; do&nbsp;not care about the forest, that they are very unlikely to&nbsp;defend it&nbsp;and hence would cut any part of&nbsp;the forest down&nbsp;&mdash; wherever it&nbsp;is&nbsp;ordered. </p><p>More to&nbsp;say, the &laquo;talibans&raquo; have shown themselves as&nbsp;rather troublesome. Few stay for long. Some work a&nbsp;couple of&nbsp;months, others start packing right after a&nbsp;week. Among them there is&nbsp;a&nbsp;bit of&nbsp;everything: heavy drinkers, robbers and also some men who do&nbsp;not think much before they use their. Some are former convicts. Kamenyuki Local Council, previously the quietest in&nbsp;the region of&nbsp;Kamenetz, has now been regularly appearing in&nbsp;connection with criminal reports. The number of&nbsp;<nobr>5&ndash;6</nobr> registered crimes committed in&nbsp;the region annually has now increased by&nbsp;three times if&nbsp;compared with the last years. Only since the beginning of&nbsp;the current year six crimes have been registered in&nbsp;Kamenyuki, committed by&nbsp;the &laquo;talibans&raquo;. As&nbsp;a&nbsp;rule, the crimes are thefts of&nbsp;private property, but there are also other examples of&nbsp;&laquo;devilry&raquo;. Certainly, local <nobr>law-enforcement</nobr> bodies did try to&nbsp;raise the alarm, as&nbsp;all respective social indicators started showing a&nbsp;sudden declining tendency. According to&nbsp;our information, Nickolai Bambiza received <nobr>so-called</nobr> &laquo;information requests&raquo; from the local police (militia) more than once. The police asked to&nbsp;submit information about the worker s&nbsp;criminal background if&nbsp;they come from other regions: it&nbsp;would be&nbsp;helpful for the authorities to&nbsp;know whether a&nbsp;citizen respects the Criminal Code or&nbsp;whether he&nbsp;maybe is&nbsp;running away to&nbsp;the silent Pushcha to&nbsp;escape prosecution. No&nbsp;need to&nbsp;mention, the requests were ignored. . &laquo;The weakest goes to&nbsp;the wall&raquo;, one of&nbsp;the employees of&nbsp;Kamenetz District Department of&nbsp;Ministry of&nbsp;Internal Affairs explained to&nbsp;the author of&nbsp;this article with disappointment. Perhaps the Director has powerful connections&laquo;. However, the fight is&nbsp;on&nbsp;everyone s&nbsp;tongue, and the <nobr>law-enforcement</nobr> bodies have started the inquiry in&nbsp;spite of&nbsp;attempts to&nbsp;hide the last events in&nbsp;the Pushcha. Locals´ only fear is&nbsp;that all the process can end up&nbsp;with the result that the local police inspector will be&nbsp;made responsible for the problems. They say that the real reason of&nbsp;problems are invited workers, who are absolutely unnecessary in&nbsp;the region. At&nbsp;present signatures on&nbsp;an&nbsp;open letter are being collected in&nbsp;Kamenyuki. The letter does not only cover the &laquo;talibans&raquo; problems but more than that and is&nbsp;to&nbsp;be&nbsp;delivered to&nbsp;all major newspapers and all governmental bodies including the President. </p><p>Will they be&nbsp;heard this time? </p> </div> <div id="navbot"><a href="../../en/">home</a>|<a href="../news/">news</a>|<a href="../idea/">idea</a>|<a href="../about/">about pushcha</a>|<a href="../art/">articles</a>|<a href="../docs/">documents</a>|<a href="../ff/">photo-fact</a>|<a href="../gallery/">gallery</a>|<a href="../books/">books</a>|<a href="../links/">links</a>|<a href="../map/">sitemap</a></div> <div id=footer>&copy; copyright, <a href="../ig/index.html" title="About Initiative Group">Initiative Group Belovezhskaya Pushcha 21st Century</a> | <a href="mailto:pushcha-XXI@tut.by">pushcha-XXI@tut.by</a>, 2001-2004<br><br> <!-- HotLog --> <script language="javascript"> hotlog_js="1.0"; hotlog_r=""+Math.random()+"&s=110673&im=126&r="+escape(document.referrer)+"&pg="+ escape(window.location.href); document.cookie="hotlog=1; path=/"; hotlog_r+="&c="+(document.cookie?"Y":"N"); </script><script language="javascript1.1"> hotlog_js="1.1";hotlog_r+="&j="+(navigator.javaEnabled()?"Y":"N")</script> <script language="javascript1.2"> hotlog_js="1.2"; hotlog_r+="&wh="+screen.width+'x'+screen.height+"&px="+ (((navigator.appName.substring(0,3)=="Mic"))? screen.colorDepth:screen.pixelDepth)</script> <script language="javascript1.3">hotlog_js="1.3"</script> <script language="javascript">hotlog_r+="&js="+hotlog_js; document.write("<a href='http://click.hotlog.ru/?110673' target='_top'><img "+ " src='http://hit5.hotlog.ru/cgi-bin/hotlog/count?"+ hotlog_r+"&' border=0 width=1 height=1 alt=HotLog></a>")</script> <noscript><a href=http://click.hotlog.ru/?110673 target=_top><img src="http://hit5.hotlog.ru/cgi-bin/hotlog/count?s=110673&im=126" border=0 width="1" height="1" alt="HotLog"></a></noscript> <!-- /HotLog --></div> <div id="map"><a href="../../en/"><img src="../../i/home.gif" width="11" height="10" border="0" alt="home"></a> <a href="mailto:pushcha-XXI@tut.by"><img src="../../i/mail.gif" width="13" height="8" border="0" alt="send e-mail"></a> <a href="../map/"><img src="../../i/map.gif" height="8" width="8" border="0" alt="sitemap"></a></div> </body> </html>